Commission welcomes significant progress made by Inverclyde Council

The Accounts Commission says it is pleased to welcome the significant progress and improvements made by Inverclyde Council as a result of its work to address the issues raised in its initial Best Value audit report and the two follow up reports.

In June 2005 the Commission made its first assessment of the council’s performance towards providing Best Value for local people. It highlighted extensive and fundamental weaknesses in leadership and direction by elected members and senior management which were preventing the council from improving.

In a February 2007 follow up the Commission said the council was now moving in the right direction, noting that it had appointed a new Chief Executive, established a new management structure, appointed a Corporate Management Team, established some new political management arrangements and there had been an improvement in member/officer relations.

Reflecting on the latest progress report, the Commission says it is pleased to welcome the significant progress made by Inverclyde Council since June 2005. It welcomes the improvements in the council, particularly the work it has done to set a clear strategic direction through community and corporate plans and the changes to political management arrangements and management structures.

Chairman of the Accounts Commission, John Baillie, said:

“Inverclyde Council has made significant progress in providing Best Value for local people. It is pleasing to see the council now embracing the challenging agenda ahead of it with clear commitment and renewed energy and enthusiasm.

“We have now seen two progress reports that have charted improvements, such as in setting strategic direction and in management arrangements and structures. We look forward to the Council maintaining the momentum it has established and continuing to improve.”

In particular the Commission urges the council to make progress with its review of the competitiveness of its trading operations.

The council’s performance will continue to be monitored through routine audits.