Fife Constabulary and Police Authority perform well and need to continue to work closely in the transition to the new Police Service of Scotland

Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority both demonstrate most aspects of Best Value. They share a strong vision of taking policing closer to the community and need to maintain the progress they have achieved in the run-up to a single force.

The Best Value Audit and Inspection: Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority sets out how these bodies are meeting their duties to deliver Best Value in what they do. It is a joint report from the Accounts Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (HMICS).

The force performs well. Overall crime rates continue to fall and detection rates are rising. The force has maintained police officer numbers while embarking on a significant change programme to manage a reduction in the police budget.

Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary, Andrew Laing, said:

“Fife Constabulary does a good job for the people it serves. The force is delivering on its long term strategy of taking policing closer to the community.”

His findings highlight opportunities where it can do better, including internal communication of local priorities, more informative performance reports, and further steps to reduce domestic abuse and hate crime.

The Accounts Commission found that the police authority, through its Police, Fire and Safety Committee, is effective and demonstrates most of the characteristics of best value with particular strength in the vision for community policing it shares with the force.

The authority needs to be clearer about the performance information and support it needs to fulfil its best value responsibilities. The Commission also highlights the need for the authority and force to maintain good working relations in the transition to the new Police Service of Scotland.

Chair of the Accounts Commission, John Baillie, said:

“Fife Police Authority performs well. There is room for improvement in its scrutiny of the force but the new Police Transition Committee set up to oversee the move to the single force has positive momentum and this needs to be maintained in the months ahead.”