Grampian Fire & Rescue is well managed but needs to strengthen prevention work

Grampian Fire and Rescue provides an effective and relatively low cost emergency response service. It is well managed, with a strong focus on the health and safety of its workforce, but there is scope to focus more on prevention to reduce fire casualties.

The Accounts Commission findings published today say Grampian works well with partners in preventing fires, particularly secondary fires (such as on heath land or in derelict buildings) and reducing road traffic accidents. However, it carries out the lowest proportion of home fire safety visits and statutory fire safety audits of any Scottish fire and rescue service and has a relatively high level of fire casualties. This indicates that its prevention work can have a much greater impact.

Grampian Fire and Rescue has strengthened its management arrangements in recent years to better support the delivery of its vision. It has clear aims that cascade through corporate strategies and well-structured business plans.

Board members have been improving their strategic leadership role and scrutiny of resources and performance but they need to play a more proactive role in influencing and coordinating strategic partnership working.

Chair of the Accounts Commission, John Baillie, said:

“Grampian Fire and Rescue provides an effective and relatively low cost emergency response service. It is well managed, with a strong focus on the health and safety of its workforce but it needs to strengthen its focus on prevention.”

The Commission also emphasises the need for Grampian Fire and Rescue to keep its focus on improving its service to the public whilst fire and rescue services are being restructured on a national basis.