Strong leadership and clear vision driving improvements at Stirling Council

Stirling Council has strong leadership with a clear vision, and has made good progress in improving the performance of its services, its management of resources and partnership working, according to the Accounts Commission.

The Commission has today published findings on an audit of Best Value and Community Planning at the council. It says Stirling’s overall performance is good and it has good prospects for improving further in the future. The council now needs to focus on involving its employees more in its improvement work. Key areas for improvement include the region’s roads, waste management and aspects of social care.

Chair of the Accounts Commission, John Baillie said:

“Stirling Council has made substantial progress since its last Best Value audit in 2005. The Commission is very encouraged by the strong collaborative leadership in the council between members and officers and across political groups, particularly given the delicate political balance.

“The Commission welcomes the clarity of the council’s vision and its good sense of self-awareness, which provides a sound basis for further improvement. We urge the council to maintain its momentum and progress.”

Today’s report says the council has good governance, but needs to assure itself that officers in key positions, such as the chief financial officer and monitoring officer, are able to exercise enough influence in order to fulfil their statutory duties.

It also says the council needs to simplify its partnership arrangements. This will help the council and its partners to be clearer about the outcomes they want to achieve for Stirling, particularly in relation to economic inequalities and rural economic development.