Scotland’s councils faced a collective gap of up to £585 million between the money needed to deliver services and the money available when setting their budgets this year. This is estimated to increase to £780 million by 2026/27. Ever tougher decisions must be made to ensure councils are financially sustainable.

Councils are addressing this most commonly by making ongoing savings, using reserves and raising money through charging citizens for some services.

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Minute Type
Audit Committee
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142.57 KB

Falkirk Council has made significant improvements over the last two years to how it works. Now it must focus on tackling a £62 million budget gap.

In a new report, the Accounts Commission highlights improvements in how the council works together, in setting a clear vision and driving forward progress in educational attainment and reducing inequalities.

Andrew has extensive leadership and management experience across the private, public and voluntary sectors. He has served on the Commission since 2018, is a former Leader of City of Edinburgh Council and former Convener (Chair) of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), current Chair of the Edinburgh Union Canal Society, and is undertaking a part-time PhD at the University of Edinburgh Business School.

Moray Council must accelerate plans to transform how it works and delivers services, demonstrating it can sustain the pace and momentum to change.

In a new report, the Accounts Commission says the council has been told in repeated reviews over the past 18 years that while it has made improvements, these have not been fast enough.

Minute Date
Minute Type
Management Team
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1.01 MB

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Significant changes are needed to ensure the financial sustainability of Scotland's health service. Growing demand, operational challenges and increasing costs have added to the financial pressures the NHS was already facing. Its longer-term affordability is at risk without reform.

Minute Date
Minute Type
Performance Audit Committee
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543.35 KB
Minute Date
Minute Type
Financial Audit and Assurance Committee
File type:
- pdf
File size:
469.14 KB

The Scottish Government’s 10-year economic strategy currently lacks collective political leadership and clear targets.

The government launched its National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) in March 2022. Its aim is to create a wellbeing economy, where economic growth is not the only measure of success.

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