Statutory performance information for 2006/07 now available

2006/07 Statutory performance information covering Scotland’s councils, police forces and fire & rescue services.

The PI data for every year from 2001/02 up to 2006/07 is available on our Performance Indicator website.

The Accounts Commission requires councils to publish information covering many aspects of their services, such as social work, housing, council tax collection, staff sickness absence and waste collection costs. Similarly fire and police services are also required to report on their performance.

This information highlights performance, helps show how services have changed over time and give an indication of how they seem to compare with each other. All the data is provided by councils, forces and services and they each publish their own individual results.

The performance indicators are just one element of the wider performance assessment carried out for the Accounts Commission, so it is important to consider this data in this broader context.

For example a council which appears to be doing worse than another one in the delivery of a service may in fact be doing better in view of the challenges it faces. The Best Value audits of councils are designed to deliver a more comprehensive picture of performance, taking account of local circumstances.

For more information about the indicators please contact either Alec Taylor on 0131 625 1875 or Jim Lakie on 0131 625 1862.