Scotland's colleges 2019


Our report on Scotland's colleges 2019 was published in June 2019. The Tableau visualisation below illustrates credits delivered by age, level of study and mode of attendance, and attainment and retention information.

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About the data

We use data from the following sources:

The figures presented here will differ slightly from those in the report due to different methods used to download the data from the Infact database.

No HE data is available for the colleges in the Highlands and Islands region, or for SRUC.

How to use our graphics

All the graphics are interactive:

  • Hovering over the map and graphs will give you more detailed information.
  • Exhibit 1-3 can be filtered by college by selecting a college from the bar chart on the left-hand side. To select multiple colleges, please click your selection of colleges while holding the Ctrl key. To clear selections click on any white space in the bar chart.
  • Exhibit 4 can be filtered by college, mode of attendance and level of study by selecting from the lists on the right-hand side. To see the national average, select ‘Scotland’.
  • Exhibit 5 can be filtered by college by selecting from the list on the right-hand side. To see the national average, select ‘Scotland’.
  • To clear selections, click on any white space in the graph you used as a filter.
  • To access the data behind the graphics, click on the graph you're interested in, then click 'Download' at the bottom of the graphics and select the format.