Audit Scotland to host October's EURORAI conference

Audit Scotland is delighted to be hosting October’s EURORAI conference, focusing on Auditing in a Period of Austerity. We’re looking forward to welcoming delegates from across Europe, promoting an exchange of knowledge and contributing toward Audit Scotland’s vision to be a world class organisation. We will be discussing a range of challenging issues, including the delivery of best value, continuous improvement and shared services.

With around 100 delegates from different European audit institutions, it looks set to be a challenging and interesting conference.

EURORAI, established in 1992, is the European Organisation of Regional External Public Finance Audit Institutions. It brings together public sector audit institutions in Europe to promote an exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas, making better use of public finances.

EURORAI also keeps partner organisations updated about changes in legislation, promotes studies relating to the audit of public finance and helps standardise public finance auditing methods. Partners take part in a range of activity including conferences, seminars, publications and knowledge exchanges.

EURORAI welcomes any regional external public finance audit institution from any European State to join.

The event will run from 23 to 24 October. To register, visit EURORAI's website at