

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Existing police forces have key strengths but new force faces challenges moving to single structure

A report by the Accounts Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (HMICS) draws out wider…

Major changes needed to tackle reoffending in Scotland

An Audit Scotland report, Reducing reoffending in Scotland, looks at the efficiency and effectiveness of approaches taken to…

NHS needs to increase its focus on long-term financial planning

An Audit Scotland report, NHS financial performance 2011/12, provides an overview of the financial performance of the NHS in…

Scotland’s colleges face major reforms and financial challenges

An Audit Scotland report, Scotland’s colleges: current finances, future challenges, assesses the financial standing of the…

New report on managing performance and improvement in local authorities

An Accounts Commission report says gathering, analysing and acting on performance information is essential to improve services…

Systemic failures in dealing with chief fire officer’s retirement and re-employment

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Joint Board demonstrated systemic failures in handling the retirement and re-employment of its chief…

Aberdeenshire Council shows progress in its benefits service

Aberdeenshire Council has made significant improvements in the service it offers for housing and council tax benefits. The…