

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Strathclyde Police Authority has made little progress in improving its performance but is now moving in the right direction

The body charged with overseeing Strathclyde Police has done little so far to improve its performance over the past year but is…

Fife Constabulary and Police Authority perform well and need to continue to work closely in the transition to the new Police Service of Scotland

Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority both demonstrate most aspects of Best Value. They share a strong vision of taking…

Significant weaknesses in management of ICT programmes

Managing ICT contracts: An audit of three public sector programmes, published today, reports on the management of important ICT…

Dumfries & Galloway Fire & Rescue is effective and making progress in delivering Best Value

Dumfries & Galloway Fire and Rescue provides an effective service. It uses the principles of risk management well and is…

Tayside Fire & Rescue service has strong culture of continuous improvement, but board should provide better scrutiny and challenge

Tayside Fire and Rescue service has a strong focus on prevention, as reflected in decreases in the numbers of fires and fire…

Central Scotland Fire & Rescue service is effective but further improvement needed to provide Best Value

Central Scotland Fire & Rescue provides an effective, low cost service. But it would be better placed to provide Best Value…

ALEOs: Accounts Commission highlights importance of clear governance and accountability

An Accounts Commission report published today, entitled Arm’s-Length External Organisations (ALEOs): are you getting it…